Home grow using 2 $30 grow lights

Damn you got bamboozled. That light is not a 220v first off.

And if you have 2 of these your getting whopping 54 watts of power. Not trying to harsh on your grow. But this may be an issue in flower well see what happens. When choosing a light always remember you have to recreate the sun inside your tent and you really cant be cheap when buying the sun! I hate when people lie about light data on amazon and trick people into terrible lights. And wasting there money. This listing has a bunch fancy information thats all fake. Damn thats shitty on there part.


Minim for cannabis grow u need 500 watt light for it to even grow whitch wount give u high result best one is 2000 watt light it is same as the sun light in middle of day give about 2000watt ones hits the ground but u would need carbon filter for the smell and ventilation whitch is important for new air circulation and of course humidifier is helpful to keep it around 65 to 85 . And the ten between 20 and 28 c. The light is around 180$ including tax plus carbon filter with all the accessories for 150 $ the ten is 150$ and that basically most important staff u need , the it’s nutrients whitch is bought ones last long time maybe 50 to 100$ tops includes all the nutrients u need for veg and flower stage . There are other little things that can improve but over all that’s it if u need any more info u could go to my Chanel YouTube Andrei Markine and Andrei.markine Instagram and leave a mssg subscribe and like also if u have a Channel
I’ll happily subscribe also :slight_smile: I hope I’ve been somewhat helpfull


Yeah I’ll have to see what happens😬.Ill try to remain optimistic


@andreimarkine looking at your video shows you saying 3 days ago that your doing your first grow. Maybe don’t jump in telling people “facts” when you don’t know what your doing. 500w minimum to even grow? My first grows were using 400w lights and they yielded some nice big buds. Ive even yielded nice stuff with t5 lights. Most of these cheap “2000w” lights like yours are also false information so you probably got duped also. I’m no professional grower so I sit back and learn from the good growers on here. Maybe you should try the same instead on giving your 2 cents on something you clearly don’t understand yet


I wasn’t teaching anybody my English is second language and I was put down what I saw in video and I wanted to see what people would say , I appreciate your reply thank you , could you tell me more about my 2000watt light pls and what is a good way to use it please?

I watch YouTube video but people say different thing about the same topic and it’s hard to know who is right so I put down what I hear and then usually aomebpdy smart tells me how it works :slight_smile:

My day 2 of flower


Hey how high are the lights above the plants? Can you get closer without burning them? If so do it. with what you have the closer you can get the better! But looking :+1:. And a strange question for you. Why are you flowering so soon? I cant tell but how small is the tent? Plants generally have a stretch when they flower/Bud and thats 40% - 60% size increase but i see your doing some LST thats why i ask because you could veg a little more? They look good in veg. Now will be the test of the lights.

What band lights u use g

Hlg.com or budget led. I build my own lights. I use quantum boards.
Full spectrum quantum board 680 watts
Here is my build.
Quantum Board discussion
This is an interesting thread about led lighting.


worth a try! And may well turn out effective? Keeping it simple often works best :slight_smile:

The lights now are about 18 inches from the plants. I decided to flower, because I want to try going 60 days veg and seeing what results I can get. And just adjust when I start my next grow.

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Day 7 of flower


Day 10 is far more exciting!

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Day 13 of flower


Day 18 of flower still going pretty good with my lights


Looking great for low cost lights


I’m not surprised I started out with 2 75 watt led lights it worked out well in veg but very small yield between two plants I got about 10 grams so don’t be discouraged if the same happens just have to step up the lights for flowering great job keep at it


Day 36 of flower


Try the HGL 100. It’s a small thin full spectrum LED and costs about $140. I think this is bare minimum you’ll need. I use them for cloning/veg.
I really don’t think you’re going to get good results in flower without considerably more light. A small clip on fan will save you floor space/$$, freeing it up for another small plant or a few clones in cups. If you get the right angle you don’t need oscillation, just turn the pots every couple of days.
Good luck.