Well i harvest 2 days ago so ill be giving it another 5 days until Friday to do some dry trimming after that ill check up on it again in another 3days for the last few small cleaning trimmings which gives me 10days that im drying & depending on the day what it will be looking like i might just also decide to bottling for curing about another 2weeks for that before ill do the 1st test somking to see what happens then ill adjust on what to do then after that test…
Hahaha…What do you mean exactly…How long im growing on this plant of mine or are you asking how long have i been growing in total over-all…?
Well if your asking about the growing time on the plant its about 90days give or take… …or If its on asking how long have i been doing or growing cannabis for now as a Cannabis Homer Grower…hahahah…In all full honesty this plant she’s my very 2nd cannabis plant that im growing or still in the process busy of growing my vey 2nd cannabis plant…So is that ok, good or bad…? Please let me know what your thinkin
That looks nice,I’m in the same boat first time I’m doing outdoor .im hoping I harvest at the right time.
@Wreith85 I’ve been medicating all day but I swear that the plant on the left is all like…
Growing indoors is no different than outside other than needing to use a bit more nutrients that the soils do t have like outdoor stuff that animals bring to the dirt and bugs bring to the diets. Other than needing the nutrients and a good light or lights there really is no differences. Well inside is a lot less challenging ces of bringing bugs to the grow otherwise I believe it is almost the same just a bit more watering practices.
Congrats. Makes ya feel super special when u harvest it first plant eeh. Now get u a nice led light and a tent and watch it grow explode a lot better than this one did. Lights and good cannabis nutes help a lot. Really shouldn’t cost too much. Where do u live at in which state. I’m in Michigan and I see a million lights for sale like dirt cheap for really nice lights. Tents fans and all. If u close to Michigan scope out Michigan’s marketplace on Facebook and I’ll tell ya u will get everything needed for an excellent indoor grow and prolly dirt cheap. I would def at least see about getting some canna friendly nutes tho and I believe that will make all a difference in the buds also.
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Greetings to all the growers & people…
Here is something that ive got myseld asking…
Running into strange problems & crazy issues that keeps you thinking How or Why…
Reason for me asking that is because i had the strangest thing to happen to 3 out of my 12 plants i have in total going big & small…So 1 out of the 3 it seems to me that ive managed to somehow save my plant the 2nd which is a bigger plant ended completely dying less than 24Hrs now the 3rd big plant is just dead as well but like almost completely dried out almost to a crack or snap also within 24Hrs…
Ill add some photos as well for you all to see what they looked like before & the 24Hrs later… Looking forward to seeing & hear what your going to have to say about this…
I cannot exactly say what happened but I had 4 plants do the same exact thing one came back good and strong è didn’t make it at all. I did pull one plant from pot to see if it seemed like a root issue and nadda. All roots were a beautiful white color and all just did a feed one day well wife did and when I got home from work 1 was limped over exactly like URS. Figured it was overwatered as that’s what it looked like. Nope dried it out real well stayed the same. Checked pH and it was at a 5.7ish on my meter. I’m not quite understanding it but I’ve had some do the same thing like URS and can’t pinpoint what caused it. Everything was in check and the temps and the were good to go also. 9 other plants made it by same waterings and all just don’t understand it. Lol.
Oh yes Ive been meaning tell & share something else with all you growers about another thing that happend to 1 of my lady plants that I have grow still which im lucky & grateful for not loosing her that im a bit surprised that no 1 has noticed or picked up on it yet so iIl point out to it what I done to save my plant that I almost thought I was busy having a heart attack that just after checking up on her making sure she has everything she needs for being & looking so healthy & growing strong so after I was done checking up on all my other plants as well the next moment i just hear “SNAP” rushing to check & to see what was it, it felt like if I was going to be throwing up when I saw 1 of my plant snap & is literally busy splitting into 2…So just grabbed absolutely anything I could get my hands on to binde & tie my plant back together again & the trusty sticky-tape was close by enough to get hold off so I strarted binding & tape contructing some sort of make-shift plant cast brace thing just wanting to safe my plant…The distance between my 2 fingers will be the length or how bad it actually was…
Very nice. Looking good
1st & last replanting the 3 ladies from the smaller to the much bigger growing pot for what Im allowed with the very limited space I have to use for growing some plants…