When you discover mold or mildew on your crops, what do you do? What is your initial reaction? Do you have an SOP for doing mold and mildew checks, and, further, what does your SOP look like in the circumstance where you actually find mold or mildew? What is your mitigation process to keep the spores from spreading and infecting the rest of your facility? What key guidance would you give the owners of new facilities that may face this issue in the future?
Preventive management is key when addressing powdery mildew. Ensuring a well maintained environment including RH outside of the light cycle will go a long ways. As far as mitigating spreading I see many growers immediately drop the RH in an effort to combat the conditions that enabled sporulation, instead I’d recommend an appropriate RH (50-60% depending on stage and canopy density) as drastically dropping RH (<45%) can dry the spores causing them to go airborne.
Preventative maintenance is everything. Once it’s there it’s doing damage and it’s probably in more locations then you’ve identified. Biological fungicide would be my go to. But I’d be vigilant in trying to find the root cause.
These are the key oxidizers created by our ActivePure Technology, creating zero ozone.
Our technology will kill and prevent many of your air and surface contamination problems within your grow.
Easily Installed into your HVAC system.
Talk to me, give your thoughts.
Terry McConn
1 Reply
Prevention by spraying on 7 to 10 day intervals with 30% Cottonseed Oil,
30% Corn Oil ,23% Garlic Oil ,17% Inert Ingredients of Oleic Acid, Lauric Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, water
Mildew Cure
Preventive works for me 3 times weekly : Monday (ZeroTol) , Wednesday ( Safer Sulfur) , Friday (Regalia) .
Nothing you can do about mildew when it shows up , especially when you dont grow in control environment . The old school makes from the mildew big thing , they smoke flowers treated with harmful chemicals but they dont want with mildew . I havent seen mildew last few years , but i cant find a cure for spider mites yet , impossible mission
Offering one off our ActivePure units free to the first response. I ask that you try it in one of your rooms. I guess the proof is the pudding that cleaning the air and surfaces through the HVAC system works. Especially mold and mildew problems.
You’re looking for folks to trial our ActivePure units?
How are they sized? Additionally, are they rated for use in occupied spaces?
Yes I am and thank you for responding.
The dimensions are 9" W x 9" H x 17" L and is easily installed into the air handler.
Yes they are rated for occupied spaces, Homes, hospitals, nursing homes ect…
Contact me if you are interested. 713-306-8355
Prevention is obviously #1. But when you spot symptoms, the biggest thing is having a clear process for monitoring, treating and last-effort actions.
@growernick you mention SOPs. I created an SOP template to help growers map out their process and make it easier to train employees. You could have a preventative treatment SOP as well as a reactive one.
You can download the free sop pack here. Let me know if it’s helpful!